I thought this app was great. I love to draw and was able to make beautiful pictures. WAS able to. Now I cant. Here are the list of problems....
-wont let me use the palette knife. The main tool I use to shade with so its very important to me.
-wont let me use the pen. My main drawing tool.
-wont let me undo on most pictures.
-wont let me do anything to most pictures.
-when trying to duplicate pictures, it duplicates an old picture I have already deleted.
-randomly scribbles on my paper. Without the undo button, it then ruins my drawing.
-randomly zooms out when I start to draw, leaving a large line through my picture. And not being able to use the undo button, my picture is trash.
I really liked this app. Now I dont. It used i be all I did on my iPod. Yeah, not any more.
Mnwreck about ArtRage for iPhone